Ready for Fall

Ready for Fall

I feel like I blinked, and Summer was over. I’ll be honest, I’m not in the least bit sad about it. Yes, my family had a pretty great summer. Our boys both celebrated birthdays, as did my Mountain Man, we had a nice family vacation to the beach, my oldest...

A Tale of a Snail

As much as I may complain about the heat, and the bees, and the spiders, and the mosquitos…I really do love summer. Especially in the mountains. I mean, let’s face it, it’s gorgeous up here, and a solid 10 degree difference in weather, than those in...


It’s official….after months of going back and forth on starting my blog, and wondering if people will actually read it, or even care what I have to say…I took the plunge! So welcome to my first official blog post! Now please bear with me, as I...
Father’s Day

Father’s Day

I feel bad right now, that I am writing a post for Father’s Day, but completely neglected Mother’s Day. Not really sure why…maybe I just felt too overwhelmed and scattered (as is the life of a mom) to really stop and take time to reflect on my short...
Recipe Challenge

Recipe Challenge

I might be biting off way more than I can chew here, but here goes. I want to challenge you. Yes, YOU. Ok well, it’s actually a challenge for me, but I need YOUR help. 😉 Do you ever find yourself cooking / baking the same things over and over? And no matter how...