Hi! I’m Brenna Jo. Thanks for stopping by! I hope you are enjoying reading through my blog, my recipes, and my Crunchy life Feisty Girl Farmstead adventures! Although most of my posts ARE food related (because let’s face it, I love food, my husband loves food…and chances are, you do as well…or you wouldn’t be here), I will throw in the occasional cleaning tip, general health tip, funny stories about my life or my kids…really anything. So I hope you will take a look around and enjoy! (I promise to keep all of the recipes you know and love…but I will be adding even more delicious tidbits for you as well; canning, food preservation, CHICKENS, homeschool stuff, the works!) Please bear with me as I work to update my site to fit our new blog-lift…I appreciate your patience! 

Here’s a little bit more information about us: 

I’m a Stay-At-Home-Mom and homeschool teacher to our 3 awesome kiddos: J-Man (my 10 year old), The Nugget (My 8 year old), and Little Miss T (my sassy 7 going on 16 year old). And  I’m married to the sweetest manliest of all manly mountain men.

There was a time in our lives when we ate a “typical American diet” of potato chips, Oreos, sweet tea, fast food and sweets galore. Then one year at Christmas, I was gifted a book that forever changed our lives.  We decided that we just ate way. too. much. junk. and knew we wanted to be healthier, and to teach our kids to be healthier….and that healthy food didn’t have to be tasteless. 

BUT, it was Little Miss T’s 6-week early arrival in into this world that really started us on our journey to understand how to be healthier. A friend had introduced us to essential oils and as I began using them in our home, we found that we couldn’t live without them. It moved us to look at the toxins in our home and we eventually switched from the chemical-laden cleaners, to an all-natural cleaning option. From there, our lives just snowballed into a full-fledged mission to live as healthily and sustainably as possible.  

We used to live in the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina, in a small little town of Boone…maybe you’ve heard of it? After having built our home, had 3 beautiful kids and established careers, God threw us a curve-ball. One that we didn’t even know we needed (or wanted). He moved us to Montana! You can read more about our big move and what God did to get us to this point in another post, here.

So together, we are now a family of 5 (6 with our giant furry puppy, Falkor);  Real food eaters, essential oil users, toxin-free cleaners, Jesus lovers, homeschoolers, chicken nerds, outdoor adventurers, and self-sustaining weirdos, living life one Feisty day at a time. I’m so glad you’re here!! Stay tuned for the old turning into new…Feisty Girl Farmstead coming soon!   


  1. We have a lot of things in common. I too am a crunchy mama. Lol. Love my oils, baby wearing, baby wearing, and so on. Also a Jesus lover and am excited to find your blog! Found through blogging facebook group. Looking forward to getting to know you.

    • Oh yay!!! I’ll definitely check out your blog as well! I love meeting fellow mamas and bloggers with similar interests (especially crunchy moms who also love Jesus!) <3

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