Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Oat Muffins

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Oat Muffins

‘Tis the season for everything Pumpkin Spiced…EVERYTHING.Pumpkin spiced lattes, pumpkin spiced scones, pancakes, cereal, marshmallows, yogurt, Oreos, beer…and I even saw English Muffins and SALSA! I mean, this is getting a bit out of hand, don’t ya think? Do people...
Red, White & Blue Fruit Pizza

Red, White & Blue Fruit Pizza

Who’s ready to get patriotic?!First, I owe you all an apology. I have not been posting as many new recipes as I would like. Our family got into a good groove of making, enjoying, and eating all of the easy and yummy recipes I have posted so far, that I haven’t felt...
Rainbow Popsicles

Rainbow Popsicles

“Summer, Summer, Summertime…”The heat is up, and the kids have been freed from their school duties for the next 2 1/2 months. And that means that I gotta up my mom game. If I don’t, then I’m going to have some cranky, bored, and extra clingy kids…which will lead to an...