Feb 3, 2017 | Faith & Ramblings, General Wellness |
Last week I talked about two of the biggest concerns many people have with making the switch to real food. I hope you found my ideas and tips helpful and encouraging to you! So let’s move on to the next biggest issue that I hear quite often. It’s too...
Jan 28, 2017 | Extra Crunchy, Faith & Ramblings, General Wellness |
If you’re like I was, then you have a ton of reasons why it just doesn’t make sense for you to cut out processed foods. I’ve heard it all. I’ve said them all. I was so resilient to the idea of changing something so drastic,...
Jan 8, 2017 | DIY, Extra Crunchy, Faith & Ramblings, General Wellness, Recipes |
I’d just like to start this post by saying that I am no “expert” on the subject of real food, but I do feel that I know quite a bit about how to go about this without stressing yourself out or breaking the bank. You see, today marks ONE YEAR for...
Jan 3, 2017 | Extra Crunchy, Faith & Ramblings
My kids don’t call me “mommy”. My preference is Mama. And if I’m being totally honest with myself (and you all, my loyal readers), “mommy” is like fingernails on a chalkboard to my ears. I have no idea why. I think anytime I hear...
Dec 27, 2016 | DIY, Essential Oils, Extra Crunchy, Faith & Ramblings |
Y’all. Y’ALL…I am just so proud of myself, that I have to stop and brag for a moment about my mad skills. Ok, maybe it’s not that impressive, but I’m impressed with myself…and Mountain is impressed…and my mom, and a few...
Nov 15, 2016 | Extra Crunchy, Faith & Ramblings
Wow. TWO. My youngest, and last child turns TWO today. I’m a hot mess of emotions right now, to be honest with you. This girl right here… Let’s just say that God knew I needed a little girl in my life. She is, in short, amazing. And to be honest with...