Ok, so maybe labeling it as the World’s BEST Marinade might be a little inaccurate. Maybe.

Or Maybe not. ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

Honestly, we will never know…but I can tell you that this marinade is incredible, and super easy to throw together. This is one of the recipes that makes me glad I’m a carnivore. I’ll shed a tear for my vegetarian friends…while I gobble this deliciousness right up.

We mostly use this when it’s venison steak night in our house (Mountain Man likes to do his own thing with just butter and garlic for the rare occasion we get to enjoy a beef filet mignon). But for a venison steak, or pretty much any kind of steak, this marinade will rock your socks off. 

After all, isn’t that what we all want out of life? To have our socks successfully rocked off? 

If you haven’t been able to tell by a few of my other posts, Mountain Man and I, are big fans of venison. And for good reason! I actually talk quite a bit about the benefits of eating venison in my chili recipe.  And because we keep venison steaks in our freezer year-round, we get to enjoy an at-home-date-night, once the kids are in bed, quite often. Yay for date night! 

I’m actually pretty bummed that I wasn’t the one to come up with this marinade. I have been using one that I LOVE, but recently stumbled across this one. Y’all. Y’ALL. It is so good. And I like that it makes a big batch, so I can store it in my fridge and only use what I need, when I need it. The fine folks out in Missoula Montana (be still my heart), put this recipe out for the public, and now it’s become a staple. After all…if you can’t trust a Montana grill master, and member of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) on what to marinate your steak in, who can you trust? No one. The answer is no one. 


You can thank me later.  ๐Ÿ˜‰ In the meantime… Enjoy!