Ok, wait…

First, I owe you all an apology. 

I have been MIA for a few weeks…but I have a good reason, I swear!! 

April was jam-packed with lots of essential oil education, and introducing lots of new people to the benefits of essential oils. I seriously am the luckiest girl in the world, that teaching others about natural wellness is my JOB. I love it. Plus, when I see how many people on my team who have had personal testimonies, it makes it all so much more worth it. 

…but now that we are in a new month, I am ready to get back in the kitchen for a bit!

So today, I am bringing you a decadent, (but most importantly, healthy) sweet treat. I hope you will find this recipe an acceptable peace offering for my absence. 

Picture it. 

Your freezer is stocked full of frozen, ripe bananas.

So what do you do? Well,  my famous banana bread, is of course, on my list… but I felt the need to create and bake, as it’s been several weeks since I’ve broken out my beloved KitchenAid Mixer. (thankfully, it forgave me, and worked beautifully)

And what do I love? Chocolate. 

You’re answer to that question in regards to me should always be chocolate. Let’s be real…it deserves to be in a food group all its own. 

But I also love my family (more than chocolate, I swear)…and they love chocolate, too. So it’s kind of a win-win situation. 😉 

I present to you the Triple Chocolate Banana Cake. 

This cake is nothing short of amazing. It’s rich, moist, and chocolicious. Yes, that’s a word. It’s so good, in fact, that Mountain Man went back for seconds, without batting an eye. He even made the comment that it doesn’t even need icing! I think I’ll be making some homemade vanilla ice cream tonight to pair it with. Mmmm….perfection. 


This recipe only took about 10 minutes to throw together, and it’s almost guilt free! I mean, I have zero guilt when I eat it, but I won’t speak for anyone else. This cake is amazing, and without any processed or refined sugars, I’m happy to feed this my kids. I hope you enjoy, friends! Let me know if you tried this, and what you thought!