Jan 30, 2019 | Faith & Ramblings |
Hello. I’d like to (re) introduce myself. My name is Brenna. I’m mama to 3 kiddos, wife to my amazing bearded Mountain Man, Jesus freak, food-lover, essential oil fanatic, and the occasional blogger. I fail. Daily. Case in...
May 19, 2017 | Faith & Ramblings
5 years. That’s how long it’s been since I last set foot in my 2nd most favorite place of all time. That’s far too long, in my opinion. But tomorrow is the day. Tomorrow, I fly. Montana, here I come! Just me. I’m flying solo, as they say… And I honestly...
Feb 20, 2017 | Faith & Ramblings |
Choose Joy. That’s what I have to remind myself each and every day. On those days when your kids start screaming before your feet have even hit the floor. Or when you drag yourself out of bed after a night of no sleep due to one of a bagillion reasons; sick...