‘Tis the season for everything Pumpkin Spiced…
Pumpkin spiced lattes, pumpkin spiced scones, pancakes, cereal, marshmallows, yogurt, Oreos, beer…and I even saw English Muffins and SALSA! I mean, this is getting a bit out of hand, don’t ya think? Do people seriously think that Pumpkin Spiced salsa sounds good?
I can’t y’all. I just can’t. And I’m sorry for any of my readers who think those last two sounds delish. No..I mean, I’m really feeling sorry for you and your taste buds right now.
I mean, I love a good pumpkin spiced muffin as much as the next person, but usually by mid-November, I’ve had all the pumpkin flavored goodies I can handle. But my kids? They love it! And I usually have a few cans of pumpkin puree floating around my pantry, so I try to get creative and make things we haven’t had before.
So I decided to take a break from the everyday chaos of laundry piles and unread emails, to bake.
There’s something so therapeutic about rolling up your sleeves and getting a little messy in the kitchen…especially when there are no children screaming and hanging off your leg, or trying to climb on top of the countertops.
My time in the kitchen today was pure, quiet, bliss. And now that these yummy and healthy muffins are done, my kitchen smells so delish!
So the final result??
No, seriously. All three kiddos DEVOURED these…and asked for seconds!
Y’all, that is a serious feat when it comes to anything the Nugget decides to eat. This is the kid who likes his oatmeal runny. Like, with zero “bumps” as he calls them. Period. So when he asked me if these muffins were bumpy, I honestly wasn’t sure what to tell him. I mean, I’m obviously not going to lie to him. So I said, “yes… (saw the hesitant look come across his face)…but those are the chocolate chips!” A smile. He took one teeny-tiny bite, and decided it was safe, and mowed through it in no time. Again, I shall shout, “Success!!!!”
Also, this is one muffin you can enjoy with your morning coffee without feeling guilty.
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Oat Muffins
- 1 cup Pumpkin Puree
- 1/2 cup pure maple syrup
- 2 eggs
- 1 Tbls Vanilla Extract
- 4 Tbls peanut butter (can substitute Almond butter for allergies)
- 2 1/4 cup Old Fashioned Oats
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 tsp cinnamon (or 1 drop Cinnamon essential oil)
- 1/2 cup chocolate chips of choice (We use Enjoy Life Brand – dairy, soy, nut, and allergen free!)

- Grease or place muffin liners in a muffin tin.
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
- In a food processor (or blender), add in all of the wet ingredients.
- Then add the dry ingredients (everything except the chocolate chips).
- Pulse/Puree until everything is blended well together and (mostly) smooth…sometimes it’s hard to get oats completely smooth (about 30 seconds).
- Carefully spoon mixture into muffin tin – filling about 3/4 full.
- Bake for 20-23 minutes, or until a toothpick is inserted into the center and comes out clean.
- Allow to cool for 5-10 minutes…enjoy!
**This recipe can easily be manipulated to be completely allergy friendly!**