Mother’s Day. 

A time to celebrate your mother, or a mother-figure in your life. If you are a mother, then this is a day for you to be celebrated as well. After all, being a mother (or momming, as I like to say) isn’t for the faint of heart… it’s serious business. And it’s hard. Most definitely the hardest job I’ve ever had. Yet at the same time, the most rewarding. 

I get the important job of keeping these little seedlings alive, all the while trying my hardest to instill in them values that will translate into their adult lives, so they don’t grow up to be complete jerks. 

It’s my job to feed them, wipe bottoms, clean up snotty noses…and vomit. To make sure they are clean, and that they have clean clothes to wear to school and church. I am a professional boo-boo fixer and finger nail clipper. I could compete in the mom Olympics of taming temper tantrums, and threenager meltdowns. 

But most importantly, it’s my job to teach them about Jesus. 

I want, more than anything, for my little ones to know they are loved. Not just by their daddy and me, but by their Heavenly Father. The One who created them. The One who knew them before they were ever a twinkle in my eye.

“For your created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful. I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139: 13-16 

I told J-Man the other day that I love him…and then I threw in there, “…but you know what? God loves you even more!” His eyes got as big as saucers. I could see the wheels in his head turning, trying to figure that one out. Believe me, kid…it’s hard for me to wrap my mind around, too. 

It’s a daily thing to teach them about God. Definitely not a one-and-done sort of thing. 

We talk about love, and forgiveness. About obeying, and trusting. We focus on how we talk to people, and thinking about others before ourselves. Right now many of these things are in reference to their actions towards us, and their siblings. But as each one gets older, we are able to incorporate God’s Word into it. 

My hope and prayer, is that my children will see me and their daddy as people who love the Lord. Who speaks truth in love. That they will see us forgive others, and not hold onto anger and bitterness. That they will know from our family experiences, that our joy is not found in our circumstances…not in our financial standings, or business ventures. But that God alone is the supplier of our hope and joy. 

Yes, my job is hard…and scary. What if I screw up? 

Oh I will most definitely screw up. No parent is perfect. We all fall short, but hopefully we can turn those moments of feeling like a failure, into moments of learning.

And the days when the back-talk and sass seem never-ending? Or when the meal you slaved over winds up on the floor…or in the trash? When their ears seem to miraculously stop working? Or when sitting on their brothers head because he “smiled at me” seemed like a good idea to them? (true story, friends)

Stop. Breathe…and pray. A lot. 

And tell yourself that you are a good mother. Repeat after me… “I AM a good mother.” The devil will do everything in his power to tell you otherwise. He will whisper those lies into your ear day in and day out. He will tell you that you are a failure. Or that that mom has her stuff all together, and why can’t you be more like her? He will have you comparing and constantly downing yourself and your mothering abilities. Listen to me, Mama… those are lies. ALL LIES. We all second guess ourselves, but if we can learn to rest in God’s Word and His truth, and allow Him to guide us and help us “co-parent” these kids HE has given us, we can crush those lies and send satan running for the hills. 

So stand firm, mama. Be proud of the fact that you are a good mother. Your husband knows it. Your kids know it. Now it’s time that YOU know it. 

Own it, and CELEBRATE today! 

Happy Mother’s Day, to all the amazing mamas out there!!