Homemade Oat Flour.

Full disclosure – I’m a little embarrassed to be making this post. Because y’all…it is SO EASY to make your own homemade oat flour. It doesn’t even warrant a full on post, if I’m being completely honest. 

But with that being said, until today, I had no clue how easy it actually was. In the grocery store, companies sell “Gluten Free Oat Flour” at a hefty price. Like, way more than what a full bag of regular Old Fashioned Oats costs. So as long as you have Old Fashioned Oats and a food processor, then you have everything you need to make your very own oat flour, in less than 90 seconds.

Talk about a money saver! 

But aside from the cost savings and gluten free thing, why would you want to use oat flour in your cooking and baking? For one, oat flour helps make your baked goods more moist, so it’s great for cookies and quick breads, and such. There are some things you’ll need to factor in, but nothing major. Take a look at this quick and handy guide on baking with oat flour vs. whole wheat flour. 

I recently tried this in my Fruit Pizza recipe, and couldn’t even tell a difference in the density or flavor. It was still absolutely DELISH!

So without further ado, let’s get down to the *easy* recipe, shall we? 


  • Food Processor or good blender
  • Old Fashioned or Steel Cut Oats (certified gluten free)
  • Jar with lid for storing extra flour


  1. Add as many oats to food processor as you will need flour.
  2. Pulse on high for 30 seconds.
  3. Stir oats around to sift the ones that settled to the bottom.
  4. Pulse on high for another 30 seconds.
  5. Done.