I love Paris in the Springtime. 

Just kidding…I’ve not been fortunate enough to experience Paris in the Springtime. Fall, yes. Spring? Not yet. One day…one day. 

But seriously, I do love Springtime. 

That time of year where the temperature is just warm enough to open the windows, and I can finally let the stale winter air out of the house. Don’t get me wrong, I love winter. But once it gets into March, I’m ready for jeans, flip flops, 3/4 length sleeved shirts, and 68 degree days. 

Spring brings about a time of renewal. Of freshness and starting over.

For me, that means flinging open the living room windows, and doing a deep Spring Cleaning sesh. Now, that hasn’t happened *yet* because…rain. Oh, and 3 kids. And running a business. But it’s on my to-do list, I swear! 

With that being said, I wanted to share with you all some great ways to get your house so fresh and so clean, clean…without all the toxic chemicals that not only smell awful and chemical-y, but they are not safe. For you, your kids, or your pets. In fact, I would be willing to bet that 95% of the stuff you use for cleaning (assuming you haven’t already started removing those toxins from your home), are downright dangerous. 

My absolute all-time favorite cleaning agent is none other than dōTERRA’s On Guard Cleaner Concentrate. You guys. It’s amazing. Not only does it smell AMAZING, but it actually cleans. And cleans well

This little 12oz bottle is jam-packed with powerful essential oils that will get the job done! I was hesitant at first, when I first tried it, because I didn’t want to have to spend an arm and a leg on stuff to clean my house. The first bottle I bought lasted me over 6 months! Probably closer to a year, if I’m being honest. 

It’s safe. It’s effective.

It’s food safe, which means you can clean your entire kitchen with it. Dishes and all, if you like! 

It’s kid safe, which means you can clean tables, chairs, floors, TOYS…everything, with it!

It’s non-toxic and the only “warning” on the bottle says this:

Keep out of reach of children. If cleaner gets in eyes, rinse thoroughly with water. If swallowed, drink a glass of water to dilute.” I love that. None of those warnings to “contact poison control” or warnings about “causing any adverse side effects if accidentally ingested or if gotten in the eyes”. That is a cleaner I can get behind, and one I feel confident in. Especially with littles in the house.

You can actually read more about the powerful effects of our On Guard protective blend just by doing some simple Google searches. One website I want to encourage you to check out, is www.pubmed.gov. That’s right…it’s a non dōTERRA, government run site. And it’s got some very interesting studies that have been done on our proprietary blend. Check it out!

But it’s not just about cleaning…we want things to smell nice as well.

Yes, things always smell better once a good cleaning has been done, but sometimes we just need an uplifting scent to fill the air. This blend is a super yummy way to not only make your rooms smell better, but to help cleanse the air as well. It’s a win-win! 

Just add these delicious oils to your glass spray bottle with some water, and voila! You have yourself an uplifting, cleansing, and amazing smelling room spray! Get the full recipe over on the dōTERRA blog.

And while you’re at it, go ahead and give your body and little spring cleaning as well. Did you know that by drinking citrus oils in your water, you are able to cleanse petrochemicals out of your system. Petrochemicals are in everything from your (non natural) makeup, shampoo and conditioners…pretty much any bath and body product you can get on the market. Most of those products are not rigorously tested, and they cause damage to our bodies, and are known to be hormone disruptors, so it’s super important to get them out of your system. Plus, grapefruit is a natural diuretic. 😉 

If you are looking to remove toxins from your home, and desire to have a healthier home, let’s talk! I’ve got an incredible gift in store for anyone who chooses to sign up with me, during the month of April! (hint: it might involve something mentioned in this post 😉 )

So, say welcome to Spring, with some healthy and safe cleaning alternatives for your home!