First, let me just say that this piece of salmon is not one serving. I mean, it was delicious enough that both my mountain man and I could have each eaten our own giant salmon, but we were good little mountain folk, and split it. Okay, it was more like 60%-40%, but since I am the only one who loves asparagus, that more than evened it out for me!

I came across this original recipe years ago, when I was first introduced to Pinterest. When mountain man and I were first married (almost 9 years ago…woah!), I was always looking for creative ways to cook various foods. Although I wasn’t an avid cook / baker / real foodie, I still enjoyed it and cooked whenever I had the time, or when our budget allowed me to get the “fancy” ingredients (like real parmesan cheese…or salmon). Now that we’ve added 3 kids into the mix, left 2 good, steady jobs for me to stay at home, and work from home, and for him to start his dream job of running his own business, I spend way more time in the kitchen than I ever thought possible. And I have found the more time I spend in the kitchen, the more I love it. So there you go.

I think what I love second best about this meal (because, let’s face it…this is delicious and that’s what I love first best 😉 ) is how easy and non-time consuming it is. Plus, while it’s basically cooking itself, I like to use that time to prepare any extras for the meal: baked potato, salad…dessert. 😉

What you’ll need:

  • 6 oz. portion of salmon (wild caught is always best, and Alaskan wild caught is even better! Also, the portion in the photograph is more like 10-12 oz. so you can double or triple this recipe for more salmon if needed!)
  • 7 asparagus spears – washed and ends trimmed (but why stop there? Put as much of that green goodness as you want on your plate!)
  • 1 Tbls butter – whipped in a bowl
  • 1 Tbls freshly grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 clove garlic – pressed
  • 2 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • ground black pepper to taste


Step 1: Preheat oven to 375F

Step 2: Cut a sheet of aluminum foil large enough for the asparagus and salmon to fit on.

Step 3: Arrange asparagus spears on foil and top with salmon.

Step 4: Combine all remaining ingredients in a bowl and mix well, to make a paste.

Step 5: Spread the mixture on top of the salmon.

Step 6: Cut another piece of foil large enough to cover everything, and fold up sides (you want all the juices and steam to stay inside while it’s cooking)

Step 7: Place on a cookie sheet and bake for 30 minutes. It comes out PERFECT every time!