Oh how I LOVE a good do-it-yourself project.

Now, please don’t get me wrong…I am by NO means the “Pinterest Mom” whose house is full of cute and well-executed DIY projects. I may be quite the opposite, actually. On evenings when the kids are in bed, and I actually have some quiet time without little hands pulling me every which way, I love scouring Pinterest for great recipe ideas, and inspirational images that I can only dream would one day become reality for decorating or remodeling my home.

But this DIY project in particular is one of my favorites because, who doesn’t love a good lip balm? And also…it’s EASY and hard to screw up. Back before I started using essential oils, I’d go through all sorts of lip balms and never found one that I really loved. Sure, there were brands I tolerated, but none that actually felt like they were doing my lips any good.

So, I began searching for an easy recipe, and I came across a few different ones. I decided to take the best parts of the few I found, and make my own. Now I make these in bulk and give them away at classes I teach, or to friends and family, and they are always a hit. Plus, you can totally customize these to whatever “flavor” you prefer. I happen to like the refreshment of Peppermint, personally.

I love this recipe, because it makes several little containers worth of lip balm, so you can make these as party favors, or even gifts for family and friends! 
DIY 3 Ingredient Lip Balm
And easy 3 ingredient lip balm - you choose your own flavors!
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  1. Double boiler (or you can fashion one yourself using a pot and a slightly smaller bowl)
  2. 1/4 cup grated organic beeswax, or beeswax pellets
  3. 2 Tbls organic unrefined cold-pressed coconut oil
  4. 12-15 drops of your favorite essential oil - I used dōTERRA Peppermint
  5. Plastic, glass, or metal containers of your choosing (see my affiliate link below for the ones I used)
  1. Bring water in bottom of double boiler (or double pans) to a boil, and in the top pan, add your beeswax and coconut oil.
  2. Allow wax and coconut oil to melt, then stir in your essential oils.
  3. Pour mixture into your small containers (I found using a small spoon helped me get just the right amount in each jar).
  4. Set aside and allow to cool.
  5. Enjoy!
Feisty Girl Farmstead https://feistygirlfarmstead.com/