Y’all, can I be real with you for a moment? 

One of the things I miss most, since changing our diets, is getting to eat at places like Olive Garden. I mean, that dressing?! Good gracious, that stuff is amazing. But Lord have mercy, if it isn’t chalk-full of GMO’s and unnatural ingredients. I just can’t bring myself to eat it.  But you’re not here to hear me rant about things I can’t eat, are you?  No.  In fact, I’d wager to bet that you saw the title of this post and stopped dead in your tracks. You probably immediately began salivating. Because if you’re like me, the Steak Gorgonzola pasta at the good ol’ OG is so dang tasty, that you dream about it. 

So you can imagine my excitement when Mountain Man mentioned us making an Italian style “going away” meal for a sweet friend, who is headed to Italy for 3 months! (I’m only slightly jealous, btw)… said friend isn’t a fan of the red sauces, so alfredo was the next natural option. 

Challenge accepted.

Then he said it. Mountain Man mentioned steak and gorgonzola in the same sentence, and my fingers couldn’t type fast enough on the keyboard. I stumbled across several recipe ideas, until I came to this one. I checked the ingredients and it didn’t contain anything crazy or with unpronounceable words. I was all in. No going back. No changing my mind.  And you guys, what happened next was pure gold. 

Upon his first bite, Mountain Man gave me a fist bump. That’s man speak for “this is awesome, babe, and I love you more than life itself”. He even went as far as to say that he thought it was better than it’s namesake at the OG…what?! I’ll take it! 

I will say that I was pleasantly surprised with how my first attempt turned out. One of these days, I’m going to try it with my own homemade pasta…but this was not that day, haha. 

This dish is so incredibly rich. It definitely needed the Balsamic Glaze drizzled on top, to help cut the richness a bit. Honestly, there’s not much I would have changed about this recipe. So I can say with complete confidence, that you can make this, AND impress your spouse, mother in law, guests…whoever! Or you can make it and hoard it for yourself. I wont judge. 

So grab all of your ingredients, and let’s knock this amazing meal out in less than 30 minutes! Enjoy, friends! 



  • 1 lb. medallions (I used venison)
  • 2 Tbls Balsamic Vinegar (I like the Colavita brand)
  • Salt and Pepper


  • 1 lb. Fettuccine 
  • 8 Tbls unsalted butter
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup loosely packed fresh spinach
  • 1/4 tsp Nutmeg
  • 1 cup freshly grated Parmesean
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 4 oz gorgonzola crumbles


  • 4 Tbls Balsamic Glaze (you only need 2 ingredients! Balsamic vinegar and honey!)
  • 1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes (chopped)
  • 2 oz gorgonzola crumbles


  1. Place your steak of choice in a ziplock bag – add balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper – allow to marinate in fridge for 30 minutes (or even better, up to 4 hours) – when ready, cook as desired on skillet over medium heat.
  2. Cook Pasta according to package directions – when pasta is done, drain and set aside. **Be sure to reserve 1 cup of pasta water in case the pasta mixture is too thick**
  3. While pasta is cooking, combine cream and butter in a large saucepan over medium heat until butter is melted.
  4. Turn heat to medium low and add the spinach and nutmeg, stir in and cook until spinach begins to wilt – about 5 minutes.
  5. Add Parmesan and salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Add the pasta to the sauce and toss to evenly coat. Let cook for an additional 2-4 minutes. If sauce is too thick, add a little of the pasta water until you reach your desire consistency. If too thin, allow to cook a little longer.
  7. Remove pasta mixture from heat and add crumbled gorgonzola, and toss to combine.
  8. Portion out pasta into bowls; top with steak medallions, remaining crumbled gorgonzola, sun-dried tomatoes, then drizzle desired amount of balsamic glaze over top.