In case you haven’t guessed by now…I love sweets.

More specifically, chocolate. Like, I LOVE it. I would easily be categorized as a “choco-holic”… and I’m totally okay with that. But that’s lucky for you, because I’m always on the lookout for new and healthy treats to make, eat, and share with my family, and you! I’m of the firm belief that everyone needs a little chocolate in their lives (unless you are allergic. In that case, I feel very, very sad for you).


See, I told you I was serious about my love of chocolate. And if I’m being totally honest, my husband and kids feel the same way. The family who chocolates together stays together. Look at that, I just turned chocolate into a verb. *virtual high five*!

With all of this chocolate talk, I need a fix. You too? Ok, good…we can stay friends.

So I found this super easy and quick (and healthygasp) recipe that I think you will love. The original recipe was found on Feel Great in 8‘s blog. I made a few changes, but not because the original recipe was unhealthy…I just didn’t happen to have almond flour, and I like to add in essential oils into my recipes whenever possible….and I added in chocolate chips, duh.
