I’m so sorry that I’ve been MIA over the past week. It’s certainly been a whirlwind of a week, for sure!

We had a funeral and graveside service for my husband’s Grandfather. Then Easter, and now the kids are on Spring Break, so I definitely have my hands full. On top of all that, I have had a jam-packed schedule of essential oil classes and meetings, that I haven’t hardly been able to just stop and breathe… until today. Sort of. 

Okay, okay, I’ll confess. I may have built a tent in the living room on this rainy day, and set the kiddos up with a movie. Maybe. 😉 

With all of the family gatherings, we’ve eaten out a lot lately.

And you know what? I have started missing my time in the kitchen. So I wanted to try a new recipe, to sort of mix things up a bit. 

Little Miss T ate a few bites and claimed it was , “so so yummy, pasta”…but then when she saw her big brothers refuse to try it, decided she no longer wanted anymore. Sigh. Such is life. 

At least Mountain Man enjoyed it. 

I found this recipe on…wait for it…


You’re shocked, I know. 

But really, when my brain just can’t and won’t function, Pinterest is my lifesaver when it comes to recipe inspiration. 


**I will say that this reheated quite nicely, and was still as creamy as ever. 

Did you try this recipe? I’d love to hear how it turned out for you and if you made any helpful adjustments! 

Recipe adapted and inspired by Natasha over at Natasha’s Kitchen