Fudgy Oat Bars

Fudgy Oat Bars

Y’all…Y’ALL. These are A-MAZING. First, let me say that I wish I was the one who came up with this recipe. Seriously.  But I cannot take the credit. I stumbled across this recipe one evening this week, when the Mountain Man and I were craving...
Venison Taco Salad

Venison Taco Salad

Taco salad night is a big deal in our house. At least for my husband and me…the kids haven’t learned to appreciate lettuce and the hodgepodge of yumminess we throw on it. Taco salads are eaten in our home usually once a week, and for good reason! Not only...
Black Bean Chocolate Chip Cookies

Black Bean Chocolate Chip Cookies

Ok… please forgive me, because I TRULY thought I had posted this. Like, a LONG time ago. Looking back, I see that I haven’t. Nope. I’ve deprived you all of this wonderful goodness. And for that, I am sorry. Our entire family has a massive sweet...