Homemade Dishwasher Tablets

Homemade Dishwasher Tablets

By a show of hands, who has a love hate relationship with your dishwasher?  We started having this problem with our dishwasher, in that we would run a load of dishes, and they always came out dingy or still dirty. We had gotten to the point where we had to...
Ready for Fall

Ready for Fall

I feel like I blinked, and Summer was over. I’ll be honest, I’m not in the least bit sad about it. Yes, my family had a pretty great summer. Our boys both celebrated birthdays, as did my Mountain Man, we had a nice family vacation to the beach, my oldest...

A Tale of a Snail

As much as I may complain about the heat, and the bees, and the spiders, and the mosquitos…I really do love summer. Especially in the mountains. I mean, let’s face it, it’s gorgeous up here, and a solid 10 degree difference in weather, than those in...

Happy Easter!

Tomorrow is Easter Sunday, and I am so excited! Yes, we are a typical American family, in that we give special baskets to our children with a few fun goodies in it, and enjoy dying eggs together. This year was particularly fun for me, because J-Man is at the age where...