I found my super-hero name. “The Great Food Maker”. At least that’s what J-Man called me today. Hey, it’s better that hearing “Mama, Mama, Mama” for the umpteenth bazillionth time in a row. I’ll take it.

I’m just thankful he actually likes my cooking. So far, he’s willingly tried everything I’ve made and if he doesn’t like it, he’ll say something like, “It’s good. But I’m full.” Sigh. They learn early, don’t they?

Either way, when he said to me, “Mama, you’re a great food maker!” My heart swelled, and I couldn’t help but feel so happy that we decided to make the real food change over early on in their little lives. I can’t even begin to imagine the push-back we would almost certainly have had, had we waited until they were older. I mean, it was hard enough doing it with a pre-schooler, an extremely picky toddler, and a…ok, so I was going to add Little Miss T in the mix there, but who am I kidding? That kid is a baby foodie.

So back to the story…The Great Food Maker and the Mountain Man were desperate for a date night. Only problem is, that with 3 children, those are few and far between. I honestly can’t remember the last time we had an actual, make-a-reservation date night, just the two of us…before Christmas, maybe? Dang. That’s wayyyyy too long. So to improvise, the past TWO nights, we have made some pretty tasty meals (after the kids are in bed, so we don’t have to share…yes, I’m protective of my food). Tonight, Mountain Man is cooking up some A-MAZING filets (recipe to come later…I swear, he can cook it perfectly every. single. time).

But last night, was a tag team effort. We’ve made it several times, and it never disappoints. It’s also a recipe I got from Lisa over at 100 Days of Real Food, (she uses shrimp…you can honestly sub in any meat you like and I guarantee it will still be amazing!) only we decided we prefer it with chicken (and sometimes sausage) instead of shrimp. Plus, Chicken is way more affordable.

This Cajun Chicken (and Sausage) Alfredo is just the perfect blend of creamy & spicy, and I have officially fallen in love with it. It also pairs nicely with a glass of wine. (But what doesn’t, amiright?) 😉


Now, The Great Food Maker shall return to the kitchen to search for another yummy recipe to make.