I’m sorry I’ve been MIA for the past week.

It’s been quite a week here on Crunchy Mountain. I had a jam-packed week and a half of attending and teaching essential oil education classes, and just haven’t spent much time in the kitchen. Which means less time to try out new recipes. Mountain Man has missed it, that’s for sure. 😉 

This sponge cake recipe actually started out as a “healthy coffee cake” attempt for a dear friend. I’m always looking for new recipes to try and she gave me the challenge of creating a healthy version of coffee cake. Needless to say, this particular cake did not pass her test as a real coffee cake. So it looks like I’ll be going back to the drawing board for another coffee cake attempt…But it did pass Mountain Man’s test of being delicious, which means it is officially blog worthy! Yay! 

Unfortunately, for my allergy folks, this cake is not dairy free, egg free, or gluten free. You can always sub out the eggs for banana or flax seed, and the milk and flour for an alternative you can have. I believe the consistency would be very similar. 

Winner, Winner, chicken dinner!

Not that I’m surprised (because it’s a sweet), but this recipe was a winner with the whole Crunchy Mountain Crew. I mean, what’s not to love? 

Applesauce? Good. Cinnamon? Good. Sweet, glazed goodness drizzled on top? Goooooood. 

And while this may not technically pass as a traditional coffee cake, it still pairs wonderfully with coffee. So slice it up, pour yourself a cup o’ joe, and enjoy!
