
Unless you are allergic (my sincere condolences if you are), my guess is that you love chocolate. Well, so does this girl. That’s why, when we first started this new food journey, I was so excited to find out that I could still eat chocolate! 

The first exposure I ever had to learning about real food, was through the book, 100 Days of Real Food. It was a game (and life) changer. You can read more about our journey here.

This chocolate sauce was one of the recipes in that book. And I will admit that I was a bit skeptic at first. I honestly didn’t believe that this would taste fully like chocolate. I thought that it was going to be a chocolate flavored maple syrup. Oh, how wrong I was! 

Over the past few weeks, I’ve had several people asking me about the chocolate sauce I use in our smoothies. We all know that the store bought chocolate tastes yummy…but it’s also filled with so much junk. High Fructose Corn Syrup is the FIRST ingredient! But friends, I promise you this…once you taste this easy 2 ingredient chocolate sauce. You will never go back to that store bought stuff. Ever. 

We use this in so many yummy ways:
  • Stir a spoonful into your morning coffee for an at-home mocha latte
  • Pour a bit into a carrot, spinach and strawberry smoothie, to get even your pickiest eaters to get their nutrients
  • Use as a dip for strawberries, pineapple, or sliced bananas for a tasty treat
  • Drizzle a little over your homemade vanilla ice cream
  • Stir some into a glass of milk for a yummy chocolate milk treat

Those are just a few ways you can use this sauce. It’s something I always keep on hand. And even if you don’t, it’s so easy and fast to whip up. 

So get ready to have your mind blown with this easy and delicious chocolate sauce!

What you’ll need: 
  • 3 Tbls. Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
  • 6 Tbls. Pure Maple Syrup
  • Whisk
  • Bowl with lid

Step 1: Measure out 3 Tbls. cocoa powder into bowl.

Step 2: Measure out 6 Tbls. maple syrup into same bowl.

Step 3: Whisk until well combined – about 3 minutes.

Step 4: Enjoy! Store in airtight container for up to a week. 

Now, wasn’t that easy? 😉